Go and Tell
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.
- John 21:25 NKJV

Jesus did a lot.
He battled Satan in the wilderness. He taught multitudes. He traveled miles upon miles. He calmed seas. He healed sicknesses. He caused the blind to see. He read the hearts and intentions of mankind. He loved the unloveable. He touched the untouchable. He raised the dead.
John, who was with Jesus for only three years, said that Jesus did so much that the WORLD would not be able to contain the books that it would take to record His deeds.
Jesus is still doing a lot.
He is battling Satan for you. He is teaching you. He is calming your rough seas. He is healing your sicknesses, including your sick heart. He is causing you to see anew. He is reading your heart and intentions, guiding you by the Holy Spirit. He is loving you even when you are unloveable. He is touching you when you feel untouchable. He is giving you life, saving you from death.
If the world could not contain the books of what Jesus did 2,000 years ago, imagine the problem we would have trying to record all He has done and is doing since.
So instead of books, He needs you and me to go and tell the world of the good works. He needs you and me to go and tell the world of His love.
Go. Tell of the risen Savior. Tell of His good works. Tell of His love. Tell of how He saves from death.
Go and tell.